In order to avoid a potentially existential yawnfest regarding the proper label to label Jaimeen Desai, here is instead a set of skills:
He can draw, he can visualize, he can write, he can graphicdesign, he can filmmake and he can animate (barely).
The combinations of these skills have resulted in some meager projects that have found some meager recognition. So meager that it is pointless to even mention them.
He sees art with the eyes of a dewy-eyed maiden, design as something unattainable with forethought and stories as something to Klingon 2 : Worf's Legacy of Doom. His views on art/design philosophies aren't as well formed as other young professionals and he refuses to share his opinions because they don't exist.
And the fact that he refers to himself in the third person during this whole section, makes him feel like this-
He didn't have to, but he thought it sounded vaguely authoritative and before he realized that it would be so embarrassing, he couldn't stop.
He is a masochist that way. Animation and his ex taught him that. But alas, animation could not teach him animation. Neither could his ex. Because she is an architect. And if anything they design moves, they are not doing a good job. True story.